måndag 30 mars 2009
it looks good on me, being happy
I usually don't have a vary temper. I'm okey, sort of, all of the time - and that's it. Maybe it doesn't sound so much fun but hey, it's okey. But lately I've been having this crazy temper... I'm not sure why, but as soon as I hear a sad song, I want to cry. I could only read a chapter in my book, because if I had continued I would have started to cry. And it goes the other way around too - if I hear a good song I want to jump around - with happiness. And for now... I can cope with the happy feeling, because it looks good on me, being happy. But the crying? No. I dont want that no more. I want to be able to hear a beutiful sad song and say "Oh thats beutiful" but without tears running from my eyes. And with theese feelings in mind... I have started to wondering... is it possible to be unhappy in love - and not even know about it?
tisdag 17 mars 2009
things I like, things I love, things I have to do..
It's been a busy week, studying for the exams. But I have had so much fun! Bönan and I totally kicked ass =) He was a really good study-partner. You can't be serious all the time, then there's no energy left when you need it. I guess you could say he was my energy booster. =)
Been worring about a friend too. She's had a lot lately and I'm not sure how she's feeling right know, because she won't tell me... Usually she's really good at open up but now, I don't know.. I get the feeling that I'm not the one she wants to talk to about it, and it makes me kind of sad. But I just hope that she knows that I'm here when she needs me..
But now the exam is over and I'm free free FREE! Time to do things I like, things I love, things I have to do.... not looking forward to that as much as the first two, but you got to do what you got to do..
Sleep tight!
Been worring about a friend too. She's had a lot lately and I'm not sure how she's feeling right know, because she won't tell me... Usually she's really good at open up but now, I don't know.. I get the feeling that I'm not the one she wants to talk to about it, and it makes me kind of sad. But I just hope that she knows that I'm here when she needs me..
But now the exam is over and I'm free free FREE! Time to do things I like, things I love, things I have to do.... not looking forward to that as much as the first two, but you got to do what you got to do..
Sleep tight!
torsdag 12 mars 2009

Both my parents are turning 50 this year and me and my brother want to give them something nice. I thought we could give them a picture of us three children on a canvas, but my sister refused to be in any picture right now for some reason... So then I thought of the idea to do something cute in photoshop of our trip to London. And I love it! So far I have only added myself, but I think the picture look really cute. :D What do you think?
tisdag 10 mars 2009
I fell in love with a blogdesign today. It made me wanna write, somehow. And I really really want to have something like that to, so I asked my dear friend IZE if he knew how the person had done it. And it turned out to be an existing theme at wordpress! But of course not the free easy version... But I signed up and downloaded it. So know I will try to get some space at a webhotel or something like that, so I can publish ut. Just like me, change address again... But wordpress had so many different designs so if I ever get tired of this one (and oh, trust me, I will..) I can just change to something new! Since I'm planning to using the design soon, I wont let you see the blog that inspired me. When it's done, if it ever will be, I let you know. That's all for now. =)
måndag 2 mars 2009
Psd tutorial
Me and B did a tutorial in Photoshop tonight. This is what I made! :D If you wanna do a card by yourself you just click here and follow the intructions!

söndag 1 mars 2009
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