Step up
When I was in Bohuslän and celebrated midsommar I bought a dvd, two disc in one. One of the movies was Step up and I just finished watching it. I've seen it before and then I thought it was okey, nothing more. But now... I don't know if it's because I'm not feeling that great for the moment and just wish I could be as "healthy" as they are or if its the dance that moves me, maybe both.. but Oh, I wish I could dance, I really do. Everytime I see a dancemovie I get this dream, that maybe, someday, I could be like them. To be that good, be able to do all those steps. And everytime I think: Well this is it, now I'm doing it. But then I forget all about it, the passion fades away. But now it's here again, and I want to learn, I want to be able to dance like them, to feel the joy. And I really hope that I will do it this time. To take that dancelesson this fall, to go every week and learn. And then maybe, someday, it's me up there.
Because every second chance begins with a first step.
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