tisdag 30 juni 2009

The weekend

I've started to use my camera a lot more now. Maybe because it only works in broad daylight.. But it nice to have some pictures of my life again!

lördag 27 juni 2009



Summer 2009

Sorry J for stealing your layout for the last picture... But I wanted my shoe in the picture :D

onsdag 24 juni 2009

A real sunny summerday!

Today J and I took the Elbaboat out to Östra holmen where we spent the entire day. SOMMARLOV! och vilket sommarlov dessutom! We found the best spot ever there on the rocks, where we could play our music (or J:s music ;) ) out loud. And from there it was just a short distans to the beach - this little cute beach. Everyone else were at the big sand beach or at the bridge , so we had it all to our self. It was a perfect summerday! =) I will try and get some pictures from J, and then I might do something with them here. So come back soon. =)

måndag 22 juni 2009

Step up

When I was in Bohuslän and celebrated midsommar I bought a dvd, two disc in one. One of the movies was Step up and I just finished watching it. I've seen it before and then I thought it was okey, nothing more. But now... I don't know if it's because I'm not feeling that great for the moment and just wish I could be as "healthy" as they are or if its the dance that moves me, maybe both.. but Oh, I wish I could dance, I really do. Everytime I see a dancemovie I get this dream, that maybe, someday, I could be like them. To be that good, be able to do all those steps. And everytime I think: Well this is it, now I'm doing it. But then I forget all about it, the passion fades away. But now it's here again, and I want to learn, I want to be able to dance like them, to feel the joy. And I really hope that I will do it this time. To take that dancelesson this fall, to go every week and learn. And then maybe, someday, it's me up there.

Because every second chance begins with a first step.

"pain. lots of pain."

Jag har så ont i halsen alltså... halstabletterna funkar knappt ens när jag tar dem, och definitivt inte efteråt. Nu börjar jag känna mig tjock i huvudet också... Inte läge att bli sjuk nu! Dricker vatten, tar det lugnt, äter sallad (kanske jag kan få i mig lite viktiga vitaminer och mineraler?) - hoppas det försvinner snart! Kunde knappt sova alls i natt, sov kanske en timme, vaknade, låg och mådde dåligt, lyckades somna igen osv... klockan fem tog jag fram glass för att kyla halsen, det funkade bra så länge jag åt men kunde ju inte ligga och äta glass hela natten lång medan jag sov. Så tycker lite synd om mig själv idag. Har ni några bli frisk knep?

söndag 21 juni 2009

Kent - mannen i den vita hatten (16 år senare)

Take the time to hear the music, really listen. That's when you understand the beuty of it all, the magic, the amazing creation. That's when you feel alive.


Sleep tight!

The pinstripe

I have resumed an old passion. Longboard. And I love it more than ever! I were out cruising with C earlier this evening and it went pretty good, got my balance back and everything. And it was he who fell, not me. ;) Woho!

And since C presented his longboard so very nice on his blog I though I could do the same. Unfortunately, I haven't got any good picture of it yet, but this is my board:

lördag 20 juni 2009

tisdag 16 juni 2009

Un día bonita

Hace sol y calor y pronto voy a ir a estocolmo. Voy a ir en Cosmonova y voy a beber cerveza en Ego y Kellys, quiza. Va a ser un día bonita! =)

söndag 14 juni 2009

If that ain't love then I don't know what love is

Most of the songs today are about love. Cause you know, love is all around us. =) And it's something everyone either have, wants or have had. And I love this song from Gym class heroes, especially the line: "If that ain't love then I don't know what love is"... it's cute, and it really tells you about all those little things that makes love the greatest thing.

Gym class heroes - Cupid's chokehold

"It's been some time since we last spoke
This is gonna sound like a bad joke
But momma I fell in love again
It's safe to say I have a new girlfriend

And I know it sounds so old
But cupid got me in a chokehold
And I'm afraid I might give in
Towels on the mat my white flag is wavin'

I mean she even cooks me pancakes
And Alka Seltzer when my tummy aches
If that ain't love then I don't know what love is

We even got a secret handshake
And she loves the music that my band makes
I know I'm young but if I had to choose her or the sun
I'd be one nocturnal son of a gun


It's been awhile since we talked last and I'm tryin' hard not to talk fast
But dad I'm finally thinkin' I may have found the one
Type of girl that will make you way proud of your son

And I know you heard the last song about the girls that didn't last long
But I promise this is on a whole new plane
I can tell by the way she says my name

I love it when she calls my phone
She even got her very own ringtone
If that ain't love then I don't know what love is

It's gonna be a long drive home but I know as soon as I arrive home
And I open the door take off my coat and throw my bag on the floor
She'll be back into my arms once more for sure


She's got a smile that would make the most senile
Annoying old man bite his tongue
I'm not done
She's got eyes comparable to sunrise
And it doesn't stop there
Man I swear
She's got porcelain skin of course she's a ten
And now she's even got her own song
But movin' on
She's got the cutest laugh I ever heard
And we can be on the phone for three hours
Not sayin' one word
And I would still cherish every moment
And when I start to build my future she's the main component
Call it dumb call it luck call it love or whatever you call it but
Everywhere I go I keep her picture in my wallet like here

If that ain't love then I don't know what love is.... =)
So keep your fingers crossed, and we can all hope that I will find it!

fredag 12 juni 2009

Interaction design director

Haha, I just looked at Ams homepage to see what kinds of job they can offer in Spain right now. Not that many but look at this one!!!

Interaction Design director

I'm not qualified AT ALL, but if I keep on studying and get to work - maybe I get there some day? Interaction Design director in Spain - that would be something to have on your buisness card, wouldn't it?

Summers in a studenttown

I love summers in a studenttown. You know, when you're studying you have all these friends and then all of the sudden, the summer arrives and they all move home again, or start to work.. and all of the sudden everyone is gone. But then you start to spend time with people you ordinary don't spend time with - and it's great! Last summer I got to know S and we are still friends today. Told him today that we should celebrate our 1-year friensanniversery. And now I just got home from T, one of S's friends. And he's this awsome chill guy, who just takes life as it comes. He has travelled a lot and somehow we always end up talking about his trips and he shows me pictures and I'm all like: "Oh where is this taken? TELL ME MORE!" Cause he talkes about it with such passion that you want to listen. And you want to do it all too, to live that life, take life each day, just living, travelling, relaxing... So now I feel like I have to do something with my life again! It stands between two things: Either I try to get a job in Spain after my semester there and just being there and speaking spanish and living that kind of life. Or I come back to Västerås, work at my current job but actually working THERE, not via another company. And if I do that, I might get 10 week fulltime. That would be arount 40 000 kr... And with that kind of money, if I either rent out my apartment or just give it away - I could do a real journey. Cause if you go to all these countries where it doesn's cost multum to live, you can survive on that kind of cash for a long time. And then I could live that dream to. What do you think I should do?

Song of the week - Lisa Ekdahl - Gitarren i knät

"Jag vet inte om du var vaken,
där du låg i rummet intill
Jag spelade tyst för mig själv
Jag spelade som jag själv vill
Min trasiga stol var en tron
Och jag tyckte mitt huvud var krönt
Då var jag drottning av natten
För mitt i en iskall värld
Fann jag någonting skönt
Och ingen censor stod i dörren
Till mitt undermedvetnas land
Min känselförmåga förhöjdes
I läpparna och min hand
Det var som jag kunde förnimma
Någonting jag tidigare inte märkt
Och vad det än var, och vad det än gjorde
Så lämnade det mig påtagligt stärkt
Jag trodde mig vara beskyddad
Med gitarrens kropp mot min
Beskyddad av högsta instans
Då ljudet vibrerade mjukt mot mitt skinn
Dom tankar jag tänkte var klara
Men ledde just ingenstans
Jag hade gitarren i knät
Och var bara glad att jag och gitarren fanns"

onsdag 10 juni 2009

Don't speak

Well it seemed like I didn't kicked ass this monday like I thought I did. Well well.. it's just to try again!

I recieved a sms in spanish today. So fun! All these sayings in spanish that I've never heard before but made sense right away. And I understood a whole lot! Puedo hablar español!

They played No doubt with Don't speak at the radio today. And I don't why, but suddenly I listened to the lyric. Have you listened to it, like really listen? I know the lyric, I sing along to the song - but I have never really understood what it is that I'm singing. I'm the kind a person that doesn't understand the lyrics until I really take the time to do it.

"You and me

We used to be together
Everyday together always
I really feel
That I'm losing my best friend
I can't believe
This could be the end
It looks as though you're letting go
And if it's real
Well I don't want to know

Don't speak
I know just what you're saying
So please stop explaining
Don't tell me cause it hurts
Don't speak
I know what you're thinking
I don't need your reasons
Don't tell me cause it hurts

Our memories
Well, they can be inviting
But some are altogether
Mighty frightening
As we die, both you and I
With my head in my hands
I sit and cry

Don't speak
I know just what you're saying
So please stop explaining
Don't tell me cause it hurts (no, no, no)
Don't speak
I know what you're thinking
I don't need your reasons
Don't tell me cause it hurts

It's all ending
I gotta stop pretending who we are...
You and me I can see us dying...are we?


Hush, hush darlin' Hush, hush darlin'
Hush, hush don't tell me tell me cause it hurts"

It really is a beutiful song, and I think I'm going to appreciate it a lot more from now on.

Buenas noches amigos!

tisdag 9 juni 2009

Work and in to the wild

I kicked ass yesterday at work. =) I think I did my worst day ever there last saturday so I thought I had to show them that I really can do good, so it's going to be interesting to see my "ackord" tomorrow. But I can't say that I'm looking forward to anything else. But work tomorrow, and then football, and then I'm working two more days, but in "frysen" and that I like. =) And then i might go to Örebro to visit Bönan in his hometown! That should be fun!

By the way, I'm thinking about going to Linsell this summer. My grandparents have a house there, and I haven't really liked it before, cause it's all climbing mountains and hiking to some waterfall and I wasn't really in to that kind of stuff. But now I kind of want to do that. In to the wild you know. =) So if you have a car and wanna go with me - let me know. =)

lördag 6 juni 2009

I've had the best evening. L and A had their moving in party and it was really fun. I spent most of the evening with J, since it was a while since we last partied together. We started the kitchen party, where we sat in "beachchairs" under the lamp, pretending to get tanned. All we missed was the sunglasses! =) Then we went to Bmb, where we met up with B, M and E. I danced, I talked, I spent "qualitytime" with my friends, listened to Marmeladorkestern. But I missed one important thing - tonight was the night I was supposed to start the beginning of the new me. I was going to start to talk to strangers, to be an open person, to get to know new people. But I had such a good time with all of my friend that i missed that. And on the way home I regreted that, cause I had a lot of opportunities to be the new me. But now, home and ready to sleep, I can't help but wonder: why force somehing? I had a lovely evening, I met a lot of new people at L and A:s party, just not the way I was planning to meet people. But you can't plan your life all the way, you just have to follow the curve and take it as it comes. So I'm going to sleep now, finally, and I'm a happy girl. And you can't ask for more than that, can you?

fredag 5 juni 2009


Lots to do this weekend. Tonight Hoffmaestro is playing at Oliver Twist and I haven't seen them live yet. For you who don't know who they are and haven't heard them yet, look them up at Spotify immediately! But the problem is that they don't go on until 24:00 and I'm working 06:00 - 15:00. Which means that I will be lucky if I get 3 hours of sleep tonight. I could take that, if it weren't for the fact that after work tomorrow, L and her boyfriend is having their moving in party. So it will be another late night. And that would be okey too, if I could sleep all sunday. But my mothers cousins child is graduation so we're going over there to celebrate him. Woho, I'll be happy if I'm back to a normal person next week...and by then it's time to work. Yey! =)

I've done something I shouldn't have done too... I don't really regret it, it was just a stupid thing to do and now I don't now what's going to happen or how things will be like..

So with all this: please be nice to me this weekend, and if I seem tired and out of focus - it's because I'm tired and out of focus. But I don't mean anything bad with that!

(And holy shit, my english really sucks..)

måndag 1 juni 2009

Swedish summer

Hoy he jugado voleibol en Lögarängen! And I've also taken the first bath for this year! It was pretty cold, but I didn't mind since it was so hot in the air. I have to say that theese three days has been the perfect beginning for a fantastic summer. So Swedish summer 2009 - here I come!