fredag 12 juni 2009

Summers in a studenttown

I love summers in a studenttown. You know, when you're studying you have all these friends and then all of the sudden, the summer arrives and they all move home again, or start to work.. and all of the sudden everyone is gone. But then you start to spend time with people you ordinary don't spend time with - and it's great! Last summer I got to know S and we are still friends today. Told him today that we should celebrate our 1-year friensanniversery. And now I just got home from T, one of S's friends. And he's this awsome chill guy, who just takes life as it comes. He has travelled a lot and somehow we always end up talking about his trips and he shows me pictures and I'm all like: "Oh where is this taken? TELL ME MORE!" Cause he talkes about it with such passion that you want to listen. And you want to do it all too, to live that life, take life each day, just living, travelling, relaxing... So now I feel like I have to do something with my life again! It stands between two things: Either I try to get a job in Spain after my semester there and just being there and speaking spanish and living that kind of life. Or I come back to Västerås, work at my current job but actually working THERE, not via another company. And if I do that, I might get 10 week fulltime. That would be arount 40 000 kr... And with that kind of money, if I either rent out my apartment or just give it away - I could do a real journey. Cause if you go to all these countries where it doesn's cost multum to live, you can survive on that kind of cash for a long time. And then I could live that dream to. What do you think I should do?

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