söndag 31 maj 2009

High on life

I'm high on life. I'm in love with life. Jag säger ja till livet!

I've had a wonderful weekend. The weather was absolutely gorgeous, all my friends was there, it was party, it was... life.

Sommarfesten gick av stapeln denna helg o den var fantastiskt. Förfesten var klockren, kåren underbar, och efterfesten mysig. Och idag har jag haft sommar sommar sommar! Tre gånger var jag i vasaparken med tre olika sällskap. Två gånger glass, en gång kebab. Det är så livet ska var! (kanske inte kebab varendaste dag dock). Jag bifogar lite bilder från helgens eskapader!

onsdag 27 maj 2009


Yey! I've finished my painting to one of my courses now. All I got left in school is a short PM that I have to write and then it's summer summer summer! And well, work too, but I try not to think about that now! But it's hard to ignore, since thet keep sending me texts and asking if I want to work... I could use the money, but i don't know if i want to... and have the energy to do it. If I say yes to working tomorrow then I won't get a nice evening tonight, I have to go to sleep at like 10, at the latest. And all day tomorrow will be ruined, because I will be tired and have pain in my back even worse than now... But if I work now I will get the money to july, and I could really use them then when I'm going to London. But I will also get money back from the tax (do you say so?) and I have no rent so I think I will make it... but I don't now! What should I do? Need to tell them soon...=/

tisdag 26 maj 2009

Jag tokägde tentan idag! Woho! Nu sitter jag och målar min sista visualisering och skiss kurs och sen är det bara ett pm kvar och sen - weeeiii - SOMMAR!

Haha, by the way, min blogg har visst blivit trespråkig nu... Buena, ?eh? :D

måndag 25 maj 2009


Mañana tengo un examen de español.. estoy un poco nervioso, pero creo lo puedo. Lo espero! Así tengo que dormirme ahora... Buenas noches!

(He escrito correcto, mi amiga bonita C?)

onsdag 20 maj 2009

And maybe that's what life is for?

I wonder if it could be so that everone is talented at something. You know how some people are just born to do something? To play football, write, play the guitar, sing, to dance.. The people who are excellent at what they do - and they love it, they live for it. The moments they get to do what they love is when they really live. And then it's the people like me. We who are not that talentet at anything. Sports has never really been my thing, I can write but not more than that, I can take some chords on the guitar and play a couple of songs but I'm no Henrix, all I can sing is singstar and even though I love to dance - it's not something I'm excellent at, not even really good. So what can I do? I don't know. But I know I believe that everyone is talented at something. It has to be that way! We just haven't found out at what yet. Maybe I'm an excellent diver, really good at driving racecars, flying helicopter - I don't know, I haven't tried it yet! And maybe that's what life is for? To find it, the thing you love and be greatful to it. To go out there in the world, and look for the unexpected. To you out there who has already found it, I'm happy for you. Live every moment and don't take it for granted, you are the lucky ones! And to you who's "just" an ordinary person, not especially talented - don't give up. You have the best part of your life in front of you - when you find it. And then I believe it will be all worth it.

I hope.

måndag 18 maj 2009

Missing camera and a proud I

My camera is missing. I don't knwo when I last used it and I don't know where I put it. It isn't where it suppose to be, and it isn't where it usually is if I haven't put it where it's suppose to be. I dont like this.... If you see an old camera searching for me, please give me a call...

Today I stood up for my self. DN keep calling me and asking me if I want to have their newspaper again, just because I once had it for free during three month. This is how the conversation usually goes:

"Hello, my name is X and I'm calling from DN, are you I?"
"Eh.. Yes?"
"You have had our newspaper before, right?"
"Well now we have this special offer......blablablabla" and it goes on for like five minutes, and then they say "What do you say?"
"No thank you, I'm not interested"

They don't give me the opportunity to say I'm not interested before they've said all that they've got to say. Wouldn't it be better for both parties if I could say that earlier on, so that I don't have to spend five minutes of my life listening to them, and they don't have to wast those five minutes talking to someone who's not interested when they could be calling someone else, right? So this time this is how the conversation went:

"Hello, my name is X and I'm calling from DN, are you I?"
"Eh.. Yes?"
"You have had our newspaper before, right?"
"Yes. And I can already say I'm not interested in having it again!"
"Oh... okey? why?"
"I live in another city now, and I'm a student so I can't afford it."
"Okej, but thanks for your time"

I did it! =)

onsdag 13 maj 2009

Haha, I didn't see my big mistake until now. I've written V & G when the course is called Visualisering & Skiss. v & S. Not G! haha... okey, I have to take care of that now..


I'm trying to do a layout excercise. What do you think of this?

måndag 11 maj 2009

I - the moviemaker

I'm in a creative mood and it feels awsome. I'm taking this course - visualisering och skiss - and we are doin a project called "Bildhistoria" and today I decided to do a movie. So that's what I've been doing all afternoon, learning the program, finding pictures and putting the beginning together. And it's going to be legen...wait for it....dary!

söndag 10 maj 2009

My theory on why some people are stuck in the friendzone

Jag fick en uppenbarelse, en insikt lika klar som himlen en underbar sommardag, igår när jag låg och försökte sova:

Ni vet den där killen i alla filmer, han som aldrig får någonting, han som är den ständiga vännen men aldrig pojkvännen? Jag är han, fast tjej. Jag pratar med killar, har det trevligt, ibland kanske det händer något mer men det slutar alltid med vänskap. De flesta av mina killkompisar har jag nog haft något mer eller mindre intresse för i början men det har sedan övergått till endast vänskap, as usual. Vilket jag ibland ser som positivt för - "Tjejer kommer och går, men vänner består" - och jag är glad att jag får behålla mina killkompisar through sickness and in health. Men efter tillräckligt många gånger av att vara vännen börjar jag tröttna. Och igår slog det mig helt plötsligt varför det blir så.

Jag är mig själv.

Det är sant, that's why! Det låter helt ologiskt tänker ni nu nog, man ska ju alltid vara sig själv, varför skulle killarna endast se dig som vän på grund av detta? Jo, nu ska jag förklara teorin jag grundade i ett halvvaket/halvsovande tillstånd inatt.

Jag är mig själv, hela tiden. Jag vet inte hur man raggar, hur man "ska" bete sig - så jag har alltid kört på att vara mig, att prata, vara glad, trevlig och social. Och när jag träffar en kille som jag finner intressant, som är lätt att prata med, som får mig att känna mig bekväm, att verkligen kunna vara mig själv utan att känna mig illa till mods - då blir jag lite intresserad av honom. En kille som är söt, trevlig, rolig och lätt och prata med - vem blir inte det! Men låt mig nu presentera fallet från andra hållet. En kille kommer till en fest. Han ser en tjej. Kanske tycker hon är lite söt. De börjar prata, tjejen är väldigt lätt att prata med, han slappnar av mer och mer, desamma gör hon. MEN! Detta är det viktiga i denna teori: Istället för att som tjejen bli mer och mer intresserad i detta sammanhang händer detta: Killen slappnar av mer och mer... och tillslut ser han inte tjejen som en tjej, utan som en person. Hon är så avslappnande, så chill, så lätt att prata med att det blir som att hänga med en i gänget. En skön person, inte en söt spännande tjej. Och woila, helt plötsligt blev tjejen placerad i vännerfacket.

Fuck. Crap. Damn it.

Ni som har lyckats gå runt detta, ni som inte placeras i vännerfacket utan i det efterlängtade flickvänsfacket - hur gör ni? Hur spelar man spelet? Och vem ska man egentligen vara, sig själv i en modifierad version? Hur?

lördag 9 maj 2009

Demetri Martin

I love Demetri Martin =)

torsdag 7 maj 2009





I just remember that I forgot to tell you all how my birthday cake tasted. It was gooood. It didn't really look like the cake on the picture.. but it tasted good, and it's not a matter of how things look on the outside, but whats on the inside - as you all know.

Right now I'm baking bread. Hope it turns out well!

onsdag 6 maj 2009


My friend M and I are going to Barcelona so study spanish next spring. I've been really looking forward to it but now another friend gave me the adress to some friends of hers that is taking that course now. And o m g, it seems like a really really difficunt course! I'm even starting to wonder if I can make it...It means that I have to study, for real. Wich, I'm sorry to say, isn't something I have done yet during my collage years... I use to be really good at school, I took i serious and did all of my homework. And now... I don't. Do you think I can be that good again?

tisdag 5 maj 2009

Just an ordinary tuesday..

Sometimes I wish that I lived with someone, so I always have someone to come home to. Even though my apartment is really really small, it's sometimes to big for one lonely person. I wish I had a cat. Or a dog. Or just something/someone to hug. Then maybe I wouldn't have these days.

Maybe a should get a cutie like this?

måndag 4 maj 2009

being around people and talking and trying to be allright anyway when all I feel is my eyes and my head and the beating pain...

I've been getting these headaches for a while. It starts with the eyes, and I'm not sure that it's pain as in PAIN, it's more like pain nauseous. And then it continues to the rest of the head and I feel really sick and I can't concentrate and it doesn't really help with painkillers, it just continues and I feel more and more nauseous. The only thing that really helps is sleeping, for a LONG while. It's like my eyes has seen to much, and need to rest. And when I figured out that I needed glasses, I thought that they would solve the problem and that everything would be fine. But I keep on having these headaches anyway. And sure, I don't use my glasses all the time like I should, but sometimes I get it when I'm wearing my glasses. I hate it! I feel like to most unsocial person, because I can't focus and being around people and talking and trying to be allright when all I feel is my eyes and my head and the beating pain - it doesn't work. And I just wanted to tell you all this, so when you notice that I'm not really there or I say that I have a headache and try to be allright anyway but actually I'm really really boring... it's not you, it's not actually me either - it's my fucking headache that keeps on talking my energy. So please don't think less of me because of that..

lördag 2 maj 2009

New season of Scrubs!

How the hell could I miss that Scrubs has started a new season? That they even made e new season? I thought the last one was the end of an era, but now I see that season 8 started in January! It's four month without Scrubs that I will never get back... But now I can watch them all! Weeii!

By the way, I had a really wonderful day today. I pretended it was summer all day long. First L, A and I took the car out to J and T and sat out in the sun all day long, eating icecream and playing "krocket" and so on. It was awsome. =) And then I ended the day with N, drinking a beer at Bill and Bob. The best place to be during the summer! And I haven't seen her since august or something like that so it was really great seeing her again. Now I feel that I really have to go to Umeå and visit her!