onsdag 27 maj 2009


Yey! I've finished my painting to one of my courses now. All I got left in school is a short PM that I have to write and then it's summer summer summer! And well, work too, but I try not to think about that now! But it's hard to ignore, since thet keep sending me texts and asking if I want to work... I could use the money, but i don't know if i want to... and have the energy to do it. If I say yes to working tomorrow then I won't get a nice evening tonight, I have to go to sleep at like 10, at the latest. And all day tomorrow will be ruined, because I will be tired and have pain in my back even worse than now... But if I work now I will get the money to july, and I could really use them then when I'm going to London. But I will also get money back from the tax (do you say so?) and I have no rent so I think I will make it... but I don't now! What should I do? Need to tell them soon...=/

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